Friday, January 30, 2009

I know you all recognize this sign even if it says Макдоналдс in Russian instead of McDonald's. I just want you to know that a Big Mac taste the same halfway around the world. It is a sad state in life when you look forward to eating at Макдоналдс or McDonald's.


Christy said...

not sure how i stumbled onto your blog :) but i am SOOO happy that I did!

I am so jealous that you are serving the Lord...I would give anything to serve again :)

My husband has 3 brothers who have served in of them is there now. I think in the Moscow Mission - i will have to ask!

PS - i lived on mcdonalds when i went to Europe 10 million years ago :) haha!

Kam said...

Hi Patti and Tom
My mom forwarded your latest email, and your blog listing was at the bottom. Looks like you guys are having some REAL cultural experiences over there! Wow! It's great to hear how things are, even though it all sounds overwhelming. Sounds like you're keeping a good attitude.